
Annual Fund

Annual Fund

A gift to the CAK Annual Fund is the first and most important gift we ask of every trustee, parent, grandparent, alumni, faculty/staff member, and friend because the Annual Fund is the foundation of the school’s giving program. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of a private education at any independent school.  In addition to helping us balance our operating budget, investments in our annual giving fund help CAK provide critical support for programs and services benefiting our students, families and faculty.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Craig Collier

    Craig Collier 

    Director of Development
In the 2023-2024 school year, donations to the annual fund helped CAK:

  • Turf and outdoor classroom for Elementary School
  • Spiritual Life Department investments
  • Furniture for Elementary and Middle School classrooms
  • Campus-wide beautification projects, including foundation and sidewalk repairs
  • Replacement of aging HVAC units
  • Painting and general repairs throughout campus
  • …and much more
  • Read more in our Annual Report 
Knoxville's premier preschool to 12th grade private, college preparatory, Christian school located in Knox County, Tennessee.